Updates: Upcoming Kem Ulul Albab 2024 at Ulu Yam.

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We’ve Funded 1M Ringgits

About UMission

Here to Bring People Together
to Help

Do tiny things with great love instead of looking for large things, the smaller the object, the bigger our love must be.





Rays of Hope Learning Centre

Rays of Hope Learning Center was established in…

Misi Kembara Khalifah

UMission for Peace Malaysia is proud to introduce…

Kembara Santun Ummah

Kembara Santun Ummah is a notable humanitarian project…

Jaulah Kasih Ummah

"Jaulah Kasih Ummah" symbolizes UMission for Peace Malaysia's…

Rays of Ramadhan

Many people are experiencing economic hardship due to…

Syrian Winter Aid

The "Syrian Winter Aid" program organized by UMission…